Info session: "Temporary rehearsal spaces" on 27 February 2024 at 6 pm

Through the Workspace Programme of the State of Berlin, we provide professional artists with subsidised rehearsal spaces not only on a long-term basis, but also on an hourly, daily or weekly basis.

Who is eligible to use these spaces, what requirements must be met, how does the application and booking process work and what is the difference between the various spaces on offer?

On 27 February at 6 pm, we invite freelance artists to a digital info session and present current space offers for temporary use, such as Kultur Räume Kontingente, Kultur Räume Studios and Prenzlauer Promenade. We will also provide an insight into upcoming locations.
Participants will have the opportunity to ask all their questions about the temporary space offers and get to know the tools for registration and booking.

The event will be held in German spoken language. Questions can also be asked and answered in English. Further info sessions in English spoken language and with DGS interpreting are being planned. If you are interested in such an info session, please let us know at: studios@kulturraeume.berlin


Sonja Augart
Referent*in Raumbüro Freie Szene (ehemals PROSA)

Matthias Mayer
Referent*in Raumbüro Freie Szene (ehemals PROSA)

Franziska Schrage
Referent*in für Standortmanagement
Kulturraum Berlin gGmbH


Tuesday, 27.02.2024 from 18-19:30
The event will take place online via Zoom.