Make space for the Arts.

Do you have unused and vacant spaces?

Are you a property owner and would like to make your space available for artistic use?
Get in touch with us.

Our experts in the field of real estate development and leasing will work with you to find out how we can jointly develop your properties for cultural and artistic use in line with your needs. A project space on the ground floor, for example, creates a dynamic external effect and revitalises the neighbourhood. Empty factories can be transformed into meeting places for the neighbourhood, e.g. dance halls or studios.

Kultur Räume Berlin rents your vacant spaces with Kulturraum Berlin gGmbH as a general tenant – so you always have only one point of contact.

We are looking for:

  • Artistic workspaces for artists within the independent scene – visual arts, performing arts, music, literature and project spaces.
  • Long-term tenancies (minimum five years).

We offer:

  • One point-of-contact with Kulturraum Berlin gGmbH as your general tenant.
  • Payment of rent is guaranteed through the Workspace Programme funded by the Senate Department for Culture and Community.
  • No risk for vacancies or loss of rent.


Kulturraum Berlin gGmbH

+49 (0)30 3030 444-60