What is Kultur Räume Berlin?
Kultur Räume Berlin is an alliance consisting of senate administration, independent art scene, non-profit real estate sector, and the specially founded Kulturraum Berlin gGmbH.
Together we are working against the displacement of independent artists due to rising rents and a lack of available spaces. We achieve this by developing, securing and allocating subsidised artistic workspaces to professional Berlin-based artists.
The studio rental programme, founded in 1993, was the first to provide and secure studio space in the form of publicly funded commercial space for professional visual artists. Since 2016, studio spaces, music studios, rehearsal and dance spaces as well as project spaces have been developed and secured through the Workspace Programme (ARP). From 2016 to 2018, the Arbeitskreis Räume (AKR) of the independent scene successfully continued these activities.
In 2020, Kultur Räume Berlin was founded to secure workspaces for the independent art scene with the help of a strong network. Since 2021, this alliance manages and develops the Workspace Programme of the Senate Department for Culture and Europe further. As a cooperative alliance of stakeholders from administration, the real estate industry and the independent art scene, the Workspace Programme can now be implemented quicker and more flexibly than ever before.